April 1, 2013

April 2013 Reads

March was a little on the slow side compared to previous months but I expect that had a lot to do with March/Spring Break and Easter Holidays.  Still quite a few links posted and those who are regular linkers are doing a fine job.  For other players, don't give up!!  Even if you haven't even started yet there are still 9 whole months to go, so what are you waiting for?  Pick up a comic and read it today!

Just one person crossing a finish line this month and that just so happens to be me, your humble host!  And remember just because you met your goal is no reason to stop linking all the great graphic novels and manga you review throughout the year

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 31/24

Here are the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 12/24
Joseph R - 8/24
Melissa - 5/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
Tattoogirl - 2/24
TV - 1/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 9/12
Mervi - 5/12
John Mutford: 4/12
Jim Black - 4/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 10/12
Joseph R. - 6/12
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.
Record your reviews for April below:

Enter the names of the graphic novels you read & reviewed this month.  Enter in this format Name (Book by Author) i.e. Reader (The Big Book by Sir Writes A-Lot).  If you are playing the advanced level you can finish with the category.  This will help others find books.  Any problems leave a comment and I'll get to it.

1. Nicola (Batman Adventures #1-2 by Ty Templeton)  27. Nicola (Jerusalem: The Story of a City and a Family by Boaz Yakin)  
2. Joe(Doctor Strange: The Oath by Brian K. Vaughan and Marcos Martin)  28. Joe(Wonder Woman Vol 1: Blood by Brian Azzarello, Cliff Chiang and Tony Akins)  
3. Tom (Ernest & Rebecca, #3: Grandpa Bug by Guillaume Bianco & Antonello Dalena)  29. Nicola ((2) Tiny Titans Comics by Art Baltazar)  
4. John (Paul Has a Summer Job)  30. Joe(All-Star Superman by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely)  
5. Nicola (Superman Adventures #1&3 by Paul Dini & Scott McCloud)  31. Jim (Green Arrow Year One)  
6. Tom (The Book of Revelation by Matt Dorff & Chris Koelle)  32. Joseph (Picture of Dorian Gray) Classic  
7. Tom (Nancy Drew and the Clue Crew #1: Small Volcanoes by Stefan Petrucha)  33. Nicola ((2) Young Justice Comics by Art Baltazar)  
8. Nicola (2000 AD Prog. 1809-1811) comic book  34. Rui (Alabaster Wolves by Caitlin R. Kiernan, Rachel Edidin, Steve Lieber, Rachelle Rosenberg)  
9. nicola (Poseidon, Earth Shaker by George O'Connor)  35. John (The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen)  
10. TFrances (Locke and Key Vol. 5)  36. Rui (The Manhattan Projects Volume 1 by Hickman and Pitarra)  
11. The Books of Magic (Karissa's Reading Review)  37. Nicola (Tegami Bachi: Letter Bee V.12) foreign translation  
12. TFrances (At Death's Door)  38. Jim(The Fury of Firestorm Vol. 1)  
13. TFrances (Game of Thrones Vol. 1)  39. Nicola (Mind MGMT, Vol. 1 by Matt Kindt)  
14. Nicola (Redakai: Conquer the Kairu, Vol. 2, The Tiger Terror)  40. Jim (RASL Vol. 1: The Drift)  
15. Joe(Batman Vol 1:The Court of Owls by Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo)  41. From Death Comes a Scribbler by the Unknown Scribbler (DAOW)  
16. Nicola (Voltron Force 6: True Colors by Brian Smith)  42. John (Stitches)  
17. John (Tangles)  43. John (Naruto, Vol. 1)  
18. Simon's Cat in Kitten Chaos (Karissa)  44. Nicola (Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, Vol. 13)  
19. Nicola (Graphic Classics: Native American Classics) anthology  45. Bex (Embroideries by Marjane Satrapi)  
20. Rui (Skullkickers Volume 2 Five Funerals and a Bucket of Blood by Jim Zub, Chris Sims, Brian Clevinger, Ray Fawkes, Edwin Huang)  46. Lynn (Dawn of the Arcana, Vol 1 by Rei Toma) manga  
21. Mervi (X-Men: Fear itself)  47. Rui (Review: Atomic Robo Volume 7 The Flying She-Devils of the Pacific by Brian Clevinger, Scott Wegener)  
22. Nicola (Lost at Sea by Bryan Lee O'Malley)  48. Nicola (Drama by Raina Telgemeier)  
23. Nicola (Legends From China: Three Kingdoms, Vol. 3: To Pledge Allegiance by Wei Dong Chen)  49. Joe(Batwoman: Elegy by Greg Rucka and J.H. Williams III)  
24. Misty Circus (Karissa's Reading Review)  50. Nicola (07-Ghost V. 2&3 by Yuki Amemiya)  
25. Lynn (Twin Spica 2 by Kou Yaginuma) manga  51. Joseph (Dark Horse Superheros and Vampires) Anthology  
26. Lynn (Lola: A Ghost Story by J. Torres & Elbert Or)  

(Cannot add links: Registration/trial expired)


tvtv3 said...

I have read 2/24 so far.

John Mutford said...


tvtv3 said...

I have now read 3/24.

tvtv3 said...

Now it's 4/24.

John Mutford said...


Nikki in Niagara said...

I'm at 38/24 and my categories remain at 10/12. Will get those last two someday!

barba said...

13/24 so far.

Nikki in Niagara said...

I'm at 42 now but I STILL have 2 more categories to go!

Joseph R. said...

9/24 and 7/12, going good, though I may take a break from all this highbrow/classic stuff I have been doing lately. Fables may be next...depending on library availability!

barba said...

14/24. Almost there.

But there's no chance of keep up with Nicola's pace. :)

John Mutford said...


barba said...


Nikki in Niagara said...

44/24 and 11/12 for categories! Almost finished!

John Mutford said...


barba said...


Nikki in Niagara said...

Now at 47/24 and still 11/12 for categories.