November 30, 2013

7th Annual Graphic Novel & Manga Challenge 2014 SIGN-UPS

We have a button!  Thanks to all who submitted buttons!  I appreciate every offer!!  This wasn't a contest and I didn't pick the *best* in any way.  I've chosen the one that strikes my fancy and is completely different from last years.  You may add these to your blogs and link them back to this blog.

Button made by Heather from Capricious Reader.  
Thank you!

The 7th Year of this Challenge starts in 2014!!

It's time to start signing up for the 2014 challenge now.  Trying to keep things simple this year.  Only change is we will have 3 levels of play this year.  Please write a sign-up post on your blog and then sign-up below with a link to your specific sign-up post (NOT to your home page).  

What counts:  graphic novels, collected trade editions, manga, comic strip collections, comic books. In print or digital. Anything else you feel is suitable.  My criteria is if it has either frames OR speech bubbles it counts.  I'm not going to be the comic police but if you are unsure, ask me in the comments any given month.

Here is how the Challenge will play out this year:

runs from Jan.1 - Dec. 31, 2014


Modern Age: read and review 12 books during the year (that's only 1 book a month)

Bronze Age: read and review 24 books during the year (Can you handle 2 books a month.)

Silver Age: read and review 52 books during the year (Are you up to a book a week!)

You must sign up for a level, but once you complete that level you may move up and try for the next one.

Please spread the word everyone!  

November 29, 2013

December 2013 Reviews

Stats have now been updated for the month!  Nobody finished last month.  Let's see who can cross the finish line by the end of the year.  Don't forget to sign up for the challenge next year!

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 164/24
Tattoogirl - 47/24
Chris - 31/24
Rui - 26/24
Joseph R - 24/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 20/12
Karissa's Reading Reviews 19/12
John Mutford - 21/12
Mervi - 16/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12
Joseph R. - 12/12

Here are the rest of the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Melissa - 6/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 11/12

Categories Game:
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

November 1, 2013

November 2013 Reads


We are nearing the end of the year! Come January and the 2014 Challenge will begin. At this time I'd like to put out a call for anyone who has any suggestions for game play next year. We will always have the basic read 12 books in 12 months option but many of us die-hards read a lot more than that and some variety is always fun to add to the mix, as well. I have some ideas but if anyone has any has any suggestions for categories, themes, mini-challenges, anything really! for next year please mention it in the comments below or you can email me personally. I'll also be needing someone to volunteer to make our 2014 button.  Just click on my name over on the right-hand side and you'll find me email listed on my own blog.

Two more months to go now! Let's see who else can finish the challenge or perhaps beat your high score from last year! Congratulations to Rui Esteves for completing the Advanced Play with 25/24

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 146/24
Tattoogirl - 45/24
Chris - 31/24
Rui - 25/24
Joseph R - 24/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 20/12
Karissa's Reading Reviews 19/12
John Mutford - 21/12
Mervi - 12/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12
Joseph R. - 12/12

Here are the rest of the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Melissa - 6/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 11/12

Categories Game:
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

October 4, 2013

October 2013 Reads

Sorry for the delay in getting this post up!  My computer had a meltdown and my hard drive was toast!  Just got it back with a brand new (empty) hard drive!  I'll get the stats updated later on but wanted to get the linky post up for you right away.

Congratulations to Joseph R. for completing 24/24 books!  We have a new player who joined us this month and has already completed the required books with 26/24.  Welcome Chris and continue to add your links and a reminder to everyone to record your # read in the comments so I can keep your stats up-to-date.

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 131/24
Tattoogirl - 43/24
Chris - 26/24
Joseph R - 24/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 20/12
Karissa's Reading Reviews 19/12
John Mutford - 20/12
Mervi - 12/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12
Joseph R. - 12/12

Here are the rest of the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 22/24
Melissa - 6/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 11/12

Categories Game:
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

September 1, 2013

September 2013 Reads

Alas, summer is over, vacations have been had and children, students and teachers are on their way back for another school year.  August was an overall slow month for us here at the GN Challenge with mostly the same devoted crew posting.  Now that we are getting back to regular routines and eventually spending more time indoors reading will become part of the day's relaxation again and hopefully more of you will finish the challenge by year's end.  Still 4 whole months to go!

This month we have three members to add to the completed lists!  Karissa who completed the Basic Challenge and is now going on to finish the Advanced starting the month out with 19/24!  Mervi also completed with 12/12.  Tattoogirl has been going great guns and completed the Advanced Challenge with a vengeance ending the month with 36/24!  I'd like to mention that she has taken on a great project, if you hadn't noticed.  She is reading all the Vol. 1's from DC's first wave of The New 52.  Check out her reviews, I've been having a grand time following her progress and opinions as a fairly new DC reader.

Congratulations Karissa, Mervi & Tattoogirl!

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 124/24
Tattoogirl - 36/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 20/12
Karissa's Reading Reviews 19/12
John Mutford - 16/12
Mervi - 12/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12
Joseph R. - 12/12

Here are the rest of the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 22/24
Joseph R - 20/24
Melissa - 6/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 11/12

Categories Game:
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

August 1, 2013

August Reads

Whoa! July was a good month here.  There were lots of links to an awesome selection of graphica last month! No one crossed the finish line this time but!  Applause has to go out to Tattoogirl for rising from 10-22 out of 24 this month alone.  Great Job.  Three more players are also almost at their goal: Mervi, Rui and Joseph.  Let's bring it home peeps!  Will August be the month we add more names to the completed lists?

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 101/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 20/12
John Mutford - 14/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12
Joseph R. - 12/12

Here are the rest of the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 22/24
Joseph R - 17/24
Melissa - 6/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
Tattoogirl - 22/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Karissa's Reading Reviews 10/12
Jedediah - 11/12
Mervi - 10/12

Categories Game:
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

I thought the pics were beautiful last month! But of course they are charging a monthly fee for them now so it's back to text links.

July 1, 2013

July 2013 Reads

It was a fairly quiet month in June.  The regulars added some links and a couple of you got back in the action.  Congratulations go out to Joseph R. who finished the Categories Game and John Mutford who completed the Basic Play with 14/12!  I hope to see more action this month.  Graphics/manga make for perfect summer reading!

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 84/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 15/12
John Mutford - 14/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12
Joseph R. - 12/12

Here are the rest of the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 20/24
Joseph R - 15/24
Melissa - 6/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
Tattoogirl - 4/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Karissa's Reading Reviews 10/12
Jedediah - 10/12
Mervi - 6/12

Categories Game:
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

There have been some changes made at the linky site and I'm trying out image links for the first time.  Let's see how it works out!  Record your reviews for July below:

June 1, 2013

June 2013 Reads

The entries are continuing to come in quite regularly and June saw a wide range of topics reviewed though I think by a studied glance we seem to have been on a bit of a superhero kick this month.  The winner's circle is not so lonely anymore.  Congratulations to Jim Black for finishing his goal of the Basic Play with 15 out of 12 books read.  Please continue to add your links for the rest of the year Jim!

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 67/24

Basic Players:
Jim Black - 15/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 12/12

Here are the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 19/24
Joseph R - 13/24
Melissa - 5/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
Tattoogirl - 2/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Karissa's Reading Reviews 10/12
John Mutford: 10/12
Jedediah - 10/12
Mervi - 6/12

Categories Game:
Joseph R. - 11/12
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

Record your reviews for June below:

May 1, 2013

May 2013 Reads

April started off slow and I began to think it was going to be a quiet month here then all of sudden the reviews came flying in and we had our second largest number of links since the year began!

Everyone is advancing nicely up the ranks and there have been a great variety of genres posted. I'm adding to my tbr list and been prompted to purchase as well!  Keep up the great work!

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 49/24

Here are the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 16/24
Joseph R - 10/24
Melissa - 5/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
Tattoogirl - 2/24
TV - 4/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 9/12
John Mutford: 8/12
Mervi - 6/12
Jim Black - 4/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 11/12
Joseph R. - 8/12
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name/progress listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

Record your reviews for April below:

April 1, 2013

April 2013 Reads

March was a little on the slow side compared to previous months but I expect that had a lot to do with March/Spring Break and Easter Holidays.  Still quite a few links posted and those who are regular linkers are doing a fine job.  For other players, don't give up!!  Even if you haven't even started yet there are still 9 whole months to go, so what are you waiting for?  Pick up a comic and read it today!

Just one person crossing a finish line this month and that just so happens to be me, your humble host!  And remember just because you met your goal is no reason to stop linking all the great graphic novels and manga you review throughout the year

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 31/24

Here are the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Rui - 12/24
Joseph R - 8/24
Melissa - 5/24
Black Vulmea - 5/24
Tattoogirl - 2/24
TV - 1/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 9/12
Mervi - 5/12
John Mutford: 4/12
Jim Black - 4/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 10/12
Joseph R. - 6/12
Black Vulmea - 4/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.
Record your reviews for April below:

March 1, 2013

March Reads

February was a short month, but you wouldn't know it by the amount of activity we had with all the links posted!    Great work everyone!  Such a variety of titles and genres too.

Here are the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 19/24
Rui - 8/24
Joseph R - 6/24
Melissa - 5/24
Black Vulmea - 4/24
Tattoogirl - 2/24
TV - 1/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 5/12
Jim Black - 4/12
Mervi - 3/12
John Mutford: 2/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 7/12
Joseph R. - 4/12
Black Vulmea - 3/12
Melissa - 2/12

If you don't see your name listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

Record your reviews for March below:

February 1, 2013

February 2013 Reads

Well the challenge is off to a booming start.  We have 29 participants signed up for the first month and as always I expect others will join us throughout the year.  Here are the standings so far:

Advanced Players:
Nicola - 9/24
Rui - 5/24
Joseph R - 3/24
TV - 1/24
Mai - 1/24

Basic Players:
Jedediah - 2/12
Mervi - 1/12
John Mutford: 1/12

Categories Game:
Nicola - 6/12
Joseph R. - 2/12

Congratulations to a great starting month!  If you don't see your name listed above it is because you didn't leave a post in the comments telling me where you stood by the end of the month.  Don't forget to do that this month.

Record your reviews for February below:

January 1, 2013

January 2013 Reads

Today we start the new years challenge. Any qualifying book read from today onwards counts. If you forget top post your links one month it is ok to link to them the next month. You can write one review for several books read in a series; try to make some effort to mention the books individually and when posting the link mention that it includes more than one book ie. (Fables V.8-12).

Important: This is a change from previous years. You will keep track of your own number of books read for the challenge. In the comments leave a note that you have now read whatever number of books. You can do this every time you visit or just near the end of the month with a grand total. Comments such as "I have read 2/12 books" if playing basic or "I've read 5/24 books" if playing advanced. Only players who leave their totals will be mentioned in the next month's post. Any questions? I'm always happy to answer! Just leave them in the comments and I'll get back to you.

Let the fun begin!!!!