Hi, I'm Nichole. This is my first book challenge, which I'm doing because Jenn invited me.
I'm only going to do the Minor challenge since last semester of school left me with practically zilch in the time for leisure reading department (AGH!), and I'm not positive of what the next semesters of school will hold!
My library suddenly sprouted a small Graphic Novel section some months back (probably the new library director!), but it's very random. I picked up Sandman: Endless Nights because of it being Neil Gaiman, and I quite liked it. The middle-of-the-series collection of Sandman they had didn't interest me much though... there's a big difference in style between the two,and Gaiman's writing probably improved by Endless Nights. I've looked at a few others there, but since I can't recall anything specific, I guess they weren't noteworthy.
Here's my planned list:
1. The Complete Persepolis - Marjane Satrapi
2. Clumsy - Jeffrey Brown
3. Blankets - Craig Thompson
4. The Plain Janes - Cecil Castellucci and Jim Rugg
5. Fox Bunny Funny - Andy Hartzell
6. Abe: Wrong for All the Right Reasons - Glenn Dakin