Hey guys! It's Vasilly and I'm the newest host for the the Graphic Novels Challenge. I want to thank Nymeth and Chris for keeping this challenge going strong for the rest of us in 2010. This was one of the challenges that Dewey started and I'm happy to see that it's still going on years later.
So the rules are basically still the same:
- The challenge starts January 1, 2011 and ends December 31, 2011. You can start anytime you want to especially if you want to start early.
- The level of participation: Beginner (3 comics or graphic novels), Intermediate (3-10 books), or Expert (10+)
- Overlaps with other challenges is definitely okay
- Re-reads count
- Feel free to post your list at any time
One of the things that will change is mini-challenges. I don't think I'm going to have them this year but I will host a monthly spotlight on one book or author every month. I'm also hoping to feature a guest post every month along with monthly prizes. So sign up!