So - rules and guidelines:
- The challenge starts on January 1st 2010 and ends on December 31st (but we don't mind you starting early.)
- You don't have to make a list beforehand (but you can, of course! Lists are great because they give ideas to people who aren't sure what to read. And if you do make one, don't feel forced to stick to it!)
- We simplified the levels of participation: you can be a Beginner (3 Comics or Graphic Novels), Intermediate (3-10) or an Expert (10+). You're more than free to adjust your level of participation after the challenge has begun.
- There will be mini-challenges! Look for a post with more info on that soon.
- Overlaps with other challenges are totally fine.
If you have any further questions or suggestions, please feel free to e-mails us at untuneric (Ana) or Chrisa511 (Chris) at gmail. And to sign up, just enter your name in the Mr Linky below - you can link to your sign-up posts should you chose to write one, or just to your blog's main page if you don't. Happy reading!

I personally prefer a linky, but either way will work for me. I'll be back with my signup post later this week!
Thanks for letting us know, Amanda!
I'm with Amanda and prefer a linky too.
I'll leave my sign-up post for next year, but I'm definitely joining! :D
I plan on joining. I like a linky too.
I've been waiting for this, and I'm so excited! I've never read a graphic novel in my life, but I'm ready to expand my horizons. I have a list ready. I will post on this next weekend! Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Linky's are nice!!!
I prefer the linky, too...I know it makes no sense, but somehow it seems easier to remember to do.
hoookay. Signed up. I may or may not do a sign up post on my own blog :)
This is the first challenge I've ever signed up for (i usually avoid them!) so please wish me luck!
I'm definitely in! I read far too few graphic novels this year, what with all those pesky TBR goals to meet, but I'm hoping to change that next year!
I'm good with Mr Linky, too. Okay. Signed up. Now I need to actually, like, make a challenges post ...
You know I'm in! :D And I like Mr. Linky.
I'm for the linky, too! AND my first GN review is going up tomorrow, serendipitously :-) Not part of the challenge, but it still is worthy of comment, no?
YOu know I'm sooooo in this one. As soon as Amy posts for her two challenges I'll be doing an announcement post and linking up here. I prefer Mr. Linky -- a new one every month.
On the other hand, this blog has become a great resource.
I would really hate to see the reviews go from this blog! It's become such a good resource for finding a good GN and it has the potential to become the Holy Grail of GN review sites if someone can get a simple yet effective tagging system going. I'd be willing to help in that.
I'm in too and super excited about this challenge. (I so wish I'd joined this challenge last year because I read a ton of graphic novels!) I also like the idea of cross-posting reviews on this site.
I'm in! I'll sign up for Intermediate at this point and we'll see what happens from there. I know I have a pile of graphic novels to get to, so this challenge should be an easy one to lick!
I'm signed up. Think I'll go for the intermediate.
I just need to set myself up with a few reminders now :)
Thanks for your thoughts, everyone!
Nicola and Avi, we promise that even if the Mr Linky wins we'll continue to work to make the blog a useful resource, with guest posts, link round-ups, and reading suggestions. In a way it might work better than cross-posting does, since only a very small percentage of the participants even post their reviews here.
Yay! I'm signing up for the expert level!
I've just gotten into reading graphic novels - and I love them! I'm so excited I heard about your challenge.
I'm IN and looking forward to my reading. Thanks to both of you for hosting!
I have never read a graphic novel in my life - could anyone point me to a beginner's list or at least mention a few novels?
This looks like an exciting Challenge and I'm in :) Linking - either option works for me ....
Anon: We're going to compile a list like that and post it here before the end of the year. Look for it soon! :)
Yay! So excited!!
I'm joining in this one as a beginner, with an option to be more!!!!
My post is here on my challenge blog:
Count me in! I will probably aim for expert and am intersted in hosting a mini challenge to do with manga if that's ok.
I've signed on as a beginner, because that's what I am. ;) Thank you for doing this!!
Have to decide what level, but I'm in! this is the first challenge for next year that I've signed up for . I'm planning a post on graphic novels because this was the year I discovered them, all thanks to you two!!!!! and Rhinoa and Kailana; the four of you make one heck of 'why don't you try this' team......
I like the idea of a linky but either way is fine with me.
I'm in! I'm not 100% consistent but I'm more likely to add a link to a Mr. Linky than I am to cross post a review.
Thanks Nymeth and Chris for taking over the reins. I'm looking forward to discovering some more graphic novels next year.
Ok, I'm all signed up and going for the Expert level. I'm excited to get started!
I started reading a couple of graphic novels last year and enjoyed them and it turns out that my 11 yr old grandson really enjoyed them - so I read and pass along to him.
I have signned up for the beginner level
I'll do the intermediate, thanks! I'm okay with posts or Mr. Linky.
Signing up a bit late on this one! I'm in for the intermediate level and am pretty excited to try this one out. I have little to no experience with graphic novels so this is indeed a challenge!
I'm in, even though Mister Linky is either absent today, or holding his everlasting grudge against me.
librarinth: Welcome! I hope you enjoy the books you pick :D
Chelle: Sigh, Mr Linky just hates everyone :P The problem this time is that we added another one for the monthly reviews, so you have to lick to have it open on another window. I've added you!
Chelle, let's make that "I tried to add you"... Booo, Mr Linky!
Same problem here with Mr. Linky, but I'm in, and here's my post.
2009 ended with me wanting to see what all the joy was among my daughter's friends about some the graphic novels they were reading. So I am in...but mr. linky says no...lol 4 series have been recommended to me and we shall see where I go from there. Here is to a great year of reading.
I can't see Mr Linky either, but I want in too :-) My post is here:
I can't find the Mr. Linky, but I want to join in. Here's my post. Thanks!
(Sorry about deleting that last comment. I forgot to sign my name.)
I'm a newer fan of GN's but plan to read more this year, sign me up as an Intermediate.
Mr. Linky's down, but I'm in at the Expert Level!
Love this challenge! I'm joining up and going for the expert level.
Here is my challenge post - http://www.thebookzombie.com/2010/01/graphic-novels-challenge-2010.html
Sorry about the Mr Linky shenanigans, everyone! I'm about to update the participants list on the sidebar, though, and I'll include you all.
* mumbling to herself * I wasn't going to do is, I was not going to do this...
Count me IN! Just as a beginner though ;)
Signing up a little late, but enthusiastically at the expert level. I've got a page on my blog where I'm keeping track of all my reading challenges in one place here: http://dreadfulpenny.wordpress.com/reading-challenges/
Love the logo!
Changed my level to intermediate :)
I just wanted to share this with everyone:
Gnoe: Go! Read more graphic novels!
J.T. Oldfield: lol - that is awesome :D
And welcome, dreadful penny!
Just made the decision to join...
here's my blog link...
I've always wanted to read graphic novel, and now I have time. Add me to the list.
Hey, I just discovered graphic novels and your challenge. I'm going to give it a try. I don't understand anything about the linky but here's the link to my first post about the challenge: http://melissabookwormblogger.blogspot.com/2010/02/graphic-novels-challenge.html. I also just finished reading The Unwritten - loved it. What a great introduction to the genre. Thanks.
I would love to join this challenge this year at the Intermediate level. Thanks so much for hosting and I'm looking forward to reading more graphic novels this year!
Okay, with my book buying ban I wasn't going to sign up to this one this year, but seeing as I have no self control...
Welcome, all!
Count me in if I can. Expert level. My challenge to myself is to read as much of ALA's Great Graphic Novel 2010 list as I can because I mostly just pick up GNs of interest to me.
Do you accept someone who hasn't got a blog as such? I'm addind my LibraryThing URL in case that is acceptable.
I just found this challenge, as well as many others and blogs, and would love to join (intermediate level to start with). I'm not new to the 'verse of graphic novels as I was brought up on Franco-Belgian comics, but I'd like to widen my horizons.
Mr. Linky wouldnt' let me in, Can i sign up here. Neer read grphyics novels and thought I should try them
I'm joining at the intermediate level. Looking forward to it.
PherenV, absolutely yes! Everyone is welcome.
I am in!! I couldn't sign up using the linky, so I'll sign up here!
Sorry! Wrong link!
I have just posted about the challenge and read my first graphic novel...
I loved it.
Fun Home by Allison Bechdel
I will be signing up on the main post page and hopefully I can link it for the April Mini challenge with since it is a non fiction book?
Apologies up front for my Mr. Linky awkwardness.
I did not see a way to link my sign up post so here is the url to the challenge announcement post.
I just discovered this challenge, but it sounds perfect for me as I'm on a real GN kick at the moment. Count me in at Expert level!
Sign me up as a intermediate. I just found this challenge and am excited to participate.
Just found this challenge too and would love to take part! Please sign me up at expert.
Welcome everyone! I've added you all to the participants list. I'm so sorry I've been slow at it!
I tried to post the challenge graphics to my blog but the directions wouldn't even come up. Is Mr. Linky closed?
Count me in! I think i'll go for intermediate. My 2nd ever challenge woo!
I can't find the linky..?
But I would like to enter if it's not too late!
I'm going to try and go for intermediate!
I'm adding John (the husband) to the challenge too. Hes pilfering all my library graphic novel rentals.
He will be doing the beginner - 3 novels.
I will be doing his posts for him.
I'm really sorry for the Mr Linky fail, everyone :\ But as long as you want to participate, it's never too late! I'll be adding you all to the sidebar.
I'm signing on at intermediate level.
Didn't enjoy this at all but i read 3. No blog so here it is
1. Dunn, Joeming Petr Pan
2. Petrucha, Stefan Nancy Drew The Charm Bracelet
3. Goodwin, Vincent Adventures of Abby Grange
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